Keith Murray & Robert Maguire
Robert Maguire
'I designed the building as 'liturgical space', informed by how I saw the nature of liturgy as the formative activity in realising the community as the Body of Christ. Now I would call it 'inclusive space', space that enables everyone within it, wherever they are, to feel included in what is happening, wherever in the space that may be. So this quality naturally extends inclusiveness to anything the community wishes to do in the building, and the building should lend itself creatively to communityâ€building of any kind.'
Robert Maguire, architect of St Paul's, Bow Common
See Obiturary 12th Feb 2019
Keith Murray
'Father Kirkby suggested that Mr. Keith Murray be invited to talk to the meeting about the type of church – and this was agreed. Mr. Murray who was in the Clergy House at the time was introduced to the Council by the Vicar. Mr. Murray spoke very convincingly, presenting the disadvantages and advantages of Modern-built churches, and offered to help in every possible way – so that the most suitable church could be built in this parish of new flats and housing estates.
Mr. Murray was thanked for addressing the meeting and then retired. It was agreed that a Committee be appointed to study the book, ’50 Modern Churches,’ also when possible to visit Modern churches and to report back to the Council in the next meeting.
From a letter to the Diocese, 1955
Keith Murrary, designer of St Paul's, Bow Common